Government e-Recruitments

Online Recruitment Projects

Publishing Advertisement

On the basis of number of post and categoriwise vacancies provided by the department, we customise advertisement draft along with technical facts required to conduct online recruitment. The technical facts include guide for applicant to apply online, pay application fees and other related tasks. Final advertisement draft is published on web with department approval. The advertiment will be published under subdomain of

Example: for Nanded Collector Office Recruitment the subdomain shall be

Generally the advertisement is published in form of PDF document. Users can view advertisement using document viewer provided by us or download and view using Acrobat Reader. If Acrobat Reader is not installed, download using following link.

Download Acrobat Reader

Accept Forms/ Applications

Aspiring candidates reads advertisement and apply for post using online form provided on website under "Apply Now" Section. Applicant need to fill all necesorry fields required for post including Educational Details. Field and Criteria for Specific post is applied dynamically to Web form. The web form is designed in such a way that user can file his application in single step. Web form is designed using modern technologies like ASP.NET and AJAX to provide faster webfront to user.

To know how to file application, please see How to Apply Demo .

Before final submission the user allowed to review and edit his application. Once user submitted his form after review, a unique Reference Number (Form ID) and Password generated for his application. If user provide email ID and/ or Mobile number in application, Email and/ or SMS of confirmation will be Sent on registered email ID and/ or Mobile number. User have to keep the Form ID and Password with him for further application process.

Accept Payment

Next step after filing application is to pay fees if applicable (there may be exemption for some applicants like Physically challanged or X-Servicemens). Once user submitted his form after review, a page shows Form ID and Password to user and prompt to choose payment options. User can choose one of the payment option.

Bank Challan : User have to download bank challan. Print it and follow instructions given on bank challan regarding Bank Name, When to Pay, Last date of of acceptance etc. Our system handle two types of Bank Challans. One is Bank Challan with Account Number and another is Bank challan with Fee Type Number. As per department requirement, system will automatically generates either of challan. The Bank Challan generated is either in two copies (Bank copy, Candidate Copy) or in three copies (Bank copy, Office copy, Candidate Copy).

In case of Bank Challan with fee type number bank will collect the challan after 24-48 hours of generating challan. Bank send Data of Challan Collected after 24-48 hours. Receipt of applicant will be generated by processing bank data. We recommend this method (accuracy: 100%).

In case of Bank Challan with account number bank will collect the challan immediately after generating challan. Bank send No Data of Challan Collected, Hence user have to upload scanned softcopy of challan. Receipt of applicant will be generated by backoffice approval of uploaded scanned softcopy of challan. (accuracy: 85-90%). Some of the identified resons for inaccuracy given below...

Online Payment Gateway : User can pay fees using online payment gateway and choose from credit card/ debit card/ internet banking etc. In this case Receipt will be generated immediately after payment confirmation.

Generate Receipt

On confirming payment if applicable the receipt of application is generated. User can download his receipt for application by logging in to system using Form ID and Password Provided.

Generate Hallticket

On last day of filing application system will block the "Apply Now" Link. On payment time over System will generate report for department help them to reserve exam centers. Information of reserved centers and halls will be collected from the department. On input Center/ Hall information, System will generate halltickets on approved Hallticket template.

User can download Hallticket by logging in to system using Form ID and Password Provided. Hallticket Download Link will be available until Exam Date. The Link will be removed after Exam.

Written Exam

This Task will be conducted by Department. Various reports necessory to conduct exam provided by system. Some of the reports are...

Result Processing/ Publishing

Result will be processed by scanning OMR answer sheets using OMR Software. Software generates Mark List having seat numbers and marks obtained with seat numbers in ascending order. Our software detects itself categoriwise merit lists to generate. Categoriwise merit list have all fields with educational details helps to make interview list or Provisional Selection List.

Mark List published initially followed by Interview List or Provisional Selection List/ Document Verification List. Finally Selection List published.

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